Data Retention
Enterprise Only Feature
Telemetry Harbor allows you to configure data retention policies to manage the lifecycle of your ship data. You can query and modify the retention period through our API.
Querying Retention Period
To check the current retention period for your data:
- Endpoint: GET /retention
- Response: Returns the current retention policy for the ship_data table.
Modifying Retention Period
To set a new retention period:
- Endpoint: POST /retention
- Body: JSON object specifying the retention period in days
This request will set the data retention period to the specified number of days. Data older than this will be automatically deleted.
Retention Policy Considerations
- Shorter retention periods can help manage storage costs and improve query performance.
- Longer retention periods allow for historical analysis and trend detection over extended periods.
- Consider regulatory requirements when setting retention policies.
- Implement data archiving strategies for long-term storage of important historical data.