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ESP32 BME280 Telemetry Monitor

This project turns an ESP32 microcontroller and BME280 sensor into a powerful cloud-connected environmental monitoring system. Track temperature and humidity in real-time from anywhere in the world, with data beautifully visualized through Telemetry Harbor and Grafana dashboards.

Repo Link:


  • Real-time monitoring: Captures temperature and humidity data at customizable intervals
  • Cloud connectivity: Seamless data transmission to Telemetry Harbor
  • Beautiful visualizations: Ready-to-use Grafana dashboards
  • Expandable: Add more sensors or extend functionality
  • Configurable: Easily adjust sampling rates, reporting intervals, and sensor calibration

Hardware Requirements

ComponentDescriptionApproximate Cost
ESP32Development board (NodeMCU ESP32, WROOM, etc.)$3.82 (AliExpress) / $9.90 (Amazon US)
BME280Temperature, humidity, and pressure sensor module$4.20 (AliExpress) / $8.99 (Amazon US)
Jumper wiresFor connecting components$0.42 (AliExpress) / $5.49 (Amazon US)
Micro USB cableFor power & programming$3.00 (AliExpress) / $5.00 (Amazon US)
Optional3.3V power supply for standalone deployment

Software Requirements

  • Arduino IDE (1.8.13 or newer) or PlatformIO
  • ESP32 board support package
  • Required libraries:
    • Adafruit BME280 Library
    • Adafruit Unified Sensor
    • WiFi Library (built into ESP32 core)
    • HTTPClient Library (built into ESP32 core)
  • Telemetry Harbor account (free tier available)

Wiring Diagram

Connect the BME280 sensor to the ESP32 using I2C:

BME280 PinESP32 PinFunction


1. Hardware Assembly

  1. Connect the BME280 sensor to the ESP32 according to the wiring diagram
  2. Connect the ESP32 to your computer via USB

2. Software Setup

  1. Install the Arduino IDE
  2. Add ESP32 board support by adding this URL in Preferences > Additional Boards Manager URLs:
  3. Install the required libraries via the Library Manager:
    • Adafruit BME280 Library
    • Adafruit Unified Sensor
  4. Clone this repository or download the code

3. Telemetry Harbor Configuration

  1. Create a Telemetry Harbor account
  2. Create a new Harbor called "ESP32_Environmental_Monitor" (or your preferred name)
  3. Select "General" harbor type and "Free" specification
  4. Copy your API Key and Harbor ID from the Harbor details page

4. Configure and Upload the Code

  1. Open the ESP32_BME280_Telemetry.ino file
  2. Update the following variables:
    • WiFi SSID and password
    • Telemetry Harbor API Endpoint URL and API Key
    • Adjust the shipId and sensor reading interval if desired
  3. Select your ESP32 board model from Tools > Board
  4. Select the correct COM port from Tools > Port
  5. Upload the code

5. Visualize Your Data

  1. Access your Telemetry Harbor account
  2. Navigate to the Harbor details page and copy your Grafana password
  3. Access the Grafana dashboard using the provided endpoint
  4. Login with your Telemetry Harbor email and the Grafana password
  5. Navigate to Dashboards and select the Comprehensive Telemetry Dashboard
  6. Use filters to view your specific sensor data


Sensor Calibration

You can adjust the temperature and humidity offsets in the code:

const float temperatureOffset = 0; // Adjust as needed
const float humidityOffset = 0; // Adjust as needed

Data Collection Interval

Modify the intervalMillis variable to change how frequently data is collected and sent:

const unsigned long intervalMillis = 60000; // 60000ms = 1 minute


Common Issues

  • BME280 not found: Double-check wiring or try alternate I2C address (0x76 or 0x77)
  • WiFi connection failure: Verify credentials and ESP32 WiFi capability
  • Data not appearing in Telemetry Harbor: Verify API key and URL are correct

Debug Mode

For detailed debugging, monitor the serial output at 115200 baud.